Martin Franssen

Interim Management
Project Management
Corporate Consultancy

Kreuzstrasse 21
80331 München
Tel.: +49.89.24291549
Mobil: +49.174.9103144

Action is the only Proof of Ability

"On behalf of Hubert Burda Media, I would like to thank you for your project management work in connection with the liquidation of one of our foreign subsidiaries (...) The breakthrough achieved by you in the negotiations (which had been deadlocked up until that point) with an investor interested in shares of one subsidiary to be sold, as well as negotiations with our landlord, played a major role in this. On the basis of this very positive experience, you will be our first contact if we have similar projects in the future."

Peter Grünbeck | Chief Financial Controller of BURDA HOLDING INTERNATIONAL

"In 2003 our company was in a critical situation (...). We assigned Martin Franssen to define a comprehensive restructuring concept. It was based on four pillars (…). The respective measures were successfully implemented within six months under the financial management of Martin Franssen. Since then not only the revenue growths of the company, but also the profitability are above industry average. The basis for this success was established in 2003. Therefore Martin Franssen deserves our sincere thanks.“

Christian Böllhoff | CEO of Prognos AG, Switzerland

“This major leap for the future development of our company would not have been possible without you. I like to take the opportunity to explicitly thank for your hard work, your personal dedication throughout the entire project (…). Moreover working with you was not only very fertile, but also very pleasant and it made great fun. Therefore my sincere thanks.”

Philip Cordes | former CEO of Sportfive-Group

The project comprised the acquisition of two UK companies

„The analysis and restructuring of Group-Reporting and financial consolidation processes are complex and demand a high degree of in depth expertise. With Mr. Franssen we found a consultant, who could address and solve these issues in a solution driven way. Based upon his wide range of professional experience as well as detailed SAP- and accounting expertise he was always an appreciated and valuable counterpart to all individuals involved in the project“.

Norbert Lehmann | Vice President Finance & Controlling Motor-Presse Stuttgart GmbH & Co KG, Germany

"We gladly and repeatedly assigned Martin Franssen on several projects at our subsidiaries in Central & East Europe; amongst others to comprehensive restructuring of the planning and budgeting process as well as a number of accounting processes. With his high degree of professionalism, his competencies, his determination as well as this dedication he achieved a sustainable increase of the productivity of all administrative processes in the respective companies. Therefore we like to kindly thank him again.“

Dr. Maike Schlegel | Regional Managerin Central & East Europe at Motor Presse International Gmbh & Co KG, Germany

"If I should summarise your way of working with clients, the following attributes come to my mind: solution oriented, fast, professional. The projects you managed (e.g. restructuring the fleet management) made a substantial contribution to our Group. For us it was very important that you actively supported the implementation of the measurements. The result was a major cost saving while the quality and the efficiency was increased. The cooperation was pleasant and all projects were a success."

Patrick Ludwig, Board Member (CFO) of the Media Group Rheinische Post, Rheinisch-Bergische Verlagsgesellschaft mbH, Düsseldorf Germany

"As a world leading engineering company we were faced with the concrete challenge to transfer our entire management information system as well as our communication system onto a new and top end environment. Martin Franssen was leading the project He proved to think and work in a comprehensive corporate context. Moreover he communicated on all hierarchical levels convincing and efficiently.
His approach was from the very beginning straight forward, thoroughly thought through and delivered a sustainable contribution to the further successful development of our company."

CEO of the company


  • Martin Franssen unterstützt Motorpress-Ibérica bei der Neuausrichtung der Geschäftsaktivitäten

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  • Mehr Liquidität durch Working Capital Management

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  • "Inkasso mit Zuckerbrot und Peitsche"


  • Private Equity Studie 2008


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